The Mustard Seed, Unknown good restaurants in Western New York
|Well, I called it “unknown good restaurants” but no offense, please, it was unknown to me and I discovered it to be an unknown beauty, again, “for me” and since this is my personal blog rather than a paid advertisement site kind of thing, I write about my own personal experience. Why did I react to my own title like that? Well, I guess, the owners or the people who know this place quite well might feel offended with the title, I thought and tried to explain myself.
Let me state this, first of all, that I was really very pleased with my experience in this restaurant. I can only say good things about the place, about the food, about the warmth and service of the people there etc. The building is actually a house, and they altered the first floor of it into a restaurant. Well, it makes it even more cozy, definitely. You feel like home, you feel like visiting a friend’s house in a way, and surely the sincerity of the owners and the staff help a lot with that, as well. On the other hand, some might find the place being a little small because of that but you be sure that they make this up to you with every other feature of the restaurant.
Their food are all home made! This is very important, I guess, for many people. So, be sure that you’re gonna get good food. They have quite a wide variety of food, too, in their menu.The restaurant is not open throughout the week. The last time I was there, it was open for Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
The phone number of The Mustard Seed Restaurant is (716) 988 – 3800. You could call them and make sure what days they are open, and between what time. And here is the address; 315 Pine St South Dayton, New York. They have their own facebook page and the web site, you could google it and try to find out more about their menu, but the last time I was there, I was told that the web site was not up to date for quite a while already. So, I guess, the best way to make sure with all that is to give them a call. They are very nice people, do not hesitate to ask whatever you want.